The ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA) is the premier forum for innovations in the software and technology of computer animation.
The 17th annual Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA) will be held in Paris in France, July 11-13, and the symposium will be hosted at the “CNRS Délégation Paris Michel-Ange” (grand auditorium Marie-Curie), in the 16e arrondissement of Paris.
SCA is the premier forum for innovations in the software and technology of computer animation. It unites researchers and practitioners working on all aspects of time-based phenomena. Our focused, intimate gathering, with single track program and emphasis on community interaction, makes SCA the best venue to exchange research results, get inspired, and set up collaborations. We hope to see you in Paris!

SCA’18 Awards
Best paper

The Best Paper Award was given to Marie-Lena Eckert, for her work in
Coupled Fluid Density and Motion from Single Views. Marie-Lena Eckert, Wolfgang Heidrich, Nils Thuerey. [Link]

Honorable mentions were given to
– Rosa Sanchez-Banderas, for her work in Strain Rate Dissipation for Elastic Deformations. Rosa Sanchez-Banderas, Miguel A. Otaduy. [Link]
– Matthias Muller, for his work in Cable Joints. Matthias Muller, Nuttapong Chentanez, Stefan Jeschke, Miles Macklin. [Link]
Best posters
The two equals best posters awards were given to
– Noshaba Cheema and Somayeh Hosseini, for their poster Dilated Temporal Fully-Convolutional Network for Semantic Segmentation of Motion Capture Data. Noshaba Cheema, Somayeh Hosseini, Janis Sprenger, Erik Herrmann, Han Du, Klaus Fischer [Link]
– Frederik Holsten, for his poster Local Models for Data Driven Inverse Kinematics of Soft Robots. Frederik Holsten, Sune Darkner, Morten Pol Engell-Norregard, Kenny Erleben [Link]
Extra pictures from the conference & social events
Specificities of 2018 event
CGF Journal Paper Publication
All accepted papers at SCA 2018 will be published as a Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) Journal Paper. -
Collocation with SGP conference
- SCA participants can attend SGP keynotes without extra fees. (and conversely, SGP participants are welcome to SCA keynotes)
- SCA welcome reception will be shared with SGP closing reception and take place on July 11th evening at the CNRS délégation Paris Michel-Ange.
Enjoy the French National Day on July the 14th
The Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP) will take place the same week (July 7-11) also in the center of Paris. This is a unique opportunity of enjoying the two events and meeting both Geometry and Animation community at the same place and time, while enjoying a full week in Paris !
In addition, some events are opened to participants of both conferences:
The French National Day (celebration of the French Revolution) will occurs on the 14th of July. Do not miss the opportunity to stay two more days in Paris after SCA to enjoy the celebration and parades in Paris.
Organizing Comittee
Conference chairs
Maud Marchal, IRISA INSA
Damien Rohmer, Ecole Polytechnique
Program chairs
Nils Thuerey, Technical University of Munich
Thabo Beeler, Disney Research Zurich
Poster chair
Melina Skouras, Inria